If it was $59 or $69, I would upgrade with no hesitation. The upgrade price ( even at $99 ) is very high. If it was $59 or even $69 for these 5 days then went up to $99 or the silly $129 after that for upgrading, I would have jumped on board straight away and not waited till I either need it or just plain want it. If youre a fan of SmithMicros Anime Studio tools, you can now get them in the Mac App Store via direct download. With an intuitive interface and loaded with pre-rigged characters and additional content, Anime Studio Pro delivers advanced animation tools and effects to. Anime Studio Debut 8 is designed to allow aspiring animators to produce high-quality animations with a minimum of instruction.

What I do know is 8 pro seems like a no brainer but for a difference of $29 during this '5 day special' I will wait till I really need it. Smith Micro Anime Studio Pro v5.6 Anime Studio Pro is perfect for professionals looking for a more efficient alternative to tedious frame-by-frame detailing when creating quality animations. Buy Smith Micro Anime Studio Pro 8 - Purchase for only - 79.95 Imported files to autodeskew easily handled and the for word. I own photoshop and modo and all sorts of other applications and the most they have ever charged me for an upgrade is probably around a third of the full cost. It is the only application I know I will be spending 50% or more of the original cost to upgrade. Mykylr wrote:I find the upgrade costs seem to show they think they cannot get many new users so have to grab as much cash as possible from current users.